Monday, May 12, 2008

Does your lawn need mowing?

Yes indeed! Spring is drawing to a close and Summer is rapidly approaching. Maybe as you read this blog you can hear in the background the sound of a lawn mower. Mowing; the suburban ritual that is preformed religiously on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

But can I be honest with you? I hate mowing. I have had to deal with severe allergies my whole life, so when I mow I have to wear a mask. You know, I am the guy kids point at and run from because I am a knock-off Darth Vader wearing a shirt with no sleeves, ratty jeans, and a mask to protect my lungs from the Rebel forces of pollen. ...Sigh...

However, on the flip side, I know that mowing my lawn keeps my yard looking sharp and my neighbors happy. It is a sign or jesture that lets people know that I care about my yard, I care about what my house looks like, not only to me but to others around me that I live in community with...

Yesterday, I was driving home from a great mother's day serive. (This one was speacial because it is my wife's first mother's day.) As I was driving home, I passed by a church that is not to far from my church. I have driven by this church a hundred times, but something this time caught my attention. The grass hadn't been mowed. I am not talking about looking like it needed a little trim...we are talking some tall grass. And I thought to myself, why would a church not mow their grass and make the lawn look sharp. It was mother's day! Moms are the ones who are always demanding the very best out of us. Plus, mother's day is a day when you invite your family to church with you. Many relatives come from out of town to spend the day with friends and loved ones. Why wouldn't you want to make you church yard look its best?

Apply this story to your life. Don't you want to be your best? Don't you want to put your best foot forward? Don't you want to impact the small part of the world you influence? I am sure that the church I passed by wants to do that too. But how many people passed by that church thinking, "If they can't keep the yard looking good, I wonder what else they can't do?" Although this may be oversimplified, it happens everyday. People look at what a Christian looks like on the outside through their words, deeds, and actions before they ever ask about the Jesus who is on the the inside. Don't believe me? Check out David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyon's book, UnChristian, and it will open up your eyes!

My question for you today is, "Does you lawn need mowing?" Think about it...