Saturday, November 22, 2008

Inspired by Seth Godin

Thought I would share this leadership tip with you all from Seth Godin’s book, Tribes:

Over-the-Top Underdog Bravery
“Leadership almost always involves thinking and acting like the underdog. That’s because leaders work to change things, and the people who are winning rarely do...Ordinary thinking and ordinary effort are almost never enough to generate leadership. That’s because our inclination is to barely do enough. It takes something extraordinary, a call to action that is irresistible, and a cause worth fighting for to make people actually join in.”

Whether you are a pastor or a marketplace leader, I hope this thought inspires you to do something that no one else is doing to reach the people no one else is reaching!

So ask your self:
What am I doing now that hinders me from achieving maximum results?
What can I change now to improve on my strengths (not focus only on my weaknesses)?
What plans can I make now to set my self up for success in the future?

Think about it...