Monday, May 25, 2009

Tony Morgan on Faith

I am reading through Tony Morgan's Killing Cockroaches and finding somekind of challenge on every page. Here is what he says on faith in his chapter on "Churchiness is Easy":

"Real faith is dynamic. It's contriversal. It's dangerous. It's constantly growing. It asks challenging quesitons. It involves mystery. You can't put it in a box. You can't keep it quiet. You can't outgrow it. You can't out dream it. It's more focused on others than on itself. Real faith gives me peace but makes me discontent to let things stay the same." (Check out Tony's blog for more insights)

I find that my faith is sometimes not even status quo. I find that I sometimes wish faith wasn't even part of the process. For to me, faith says you aren't able to do this in and of is the beyond that is within you that will do it. Faith is about doing great things that when done can only go back to the one who placed that faith in us...namely Jesus Christ! It about bending and stretching. It's about pain and growth and turning intellect into godly wisdom. Faith is one complex and messy idea!

Think about it...