Friday, April 11, 2008

God is in theMIX

Something amazing happened last night. This guy named David decided to remake the leap of faith and follow Jesus Christ for real. Last night, he began his faith journey anew. His friend that brought him was estatic about what God was up to in his friend's life.

Another crazy thing happened. I asked all the students at theMIX last night to text a friend of theirs that didn't know Jesus Christ. I asked them to simply ask, "Who do you say Jesus is?" The asnwers were revealing. Some said he was a prophet. Others said he was a historical figure or teacher. And yet others said he was an example of personhood that all mankind should look up to. All of those are good answers, but one answer dominated them all. One of them read that Jesus was "her Father, Friend, Savior, Healer...should I keep going?"

I loved that answer. Jesus was a great historical figure. Jesus was a prophet. But today Jesus is the Lord that reigns over all the earth. He is the healer of broken hearts and lives. He opens up our eyes that could not see and he empowers us with strenght that we just don't have. He is more that we can ever imagine...should I go on! So here are a few questions to ponder for the weekend:

1. Who do you say that Jesus is? 2. Where are you at in your spiritual journey? 3. What gynormous thing do you need Jesus to accomplish in your life?

Think about it...