Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A Word from My Friend Will

After reading my friend's Facebook note, I thought that it was only fair to share that as today's post. His passion for God is undeniable.

Pursuing the Persuer
by Will Lee 4-22-2008

"When was the last time you pursued someone? When was the last time you were pursued? I am talking with regards to love. The thrill of pursuit and of being pursued seems to make all time stand still and everything else fade away. It consumes our every action and becomes our purpose. The thought of being wanted to such a degree by someone gives us life. And it is only equally matched when we, in turn, pursue the one that pursues us. This is the story of love and the desire of every heart. That is because it is what we were created for. We were meant to pursue and be pursued from the day this world began. But this pursuit was not intended to be had strictly between humans. In fact, when humans share this experience it is only a shadow of the true design. We were created by the Great Lover to be pursued for eternity. And in turn, He waits for us to pursue Him.

He is chasing you already. He is waiting to unleash the full fury of His love for you. Some of you may already know of His pursuit for you. And you may have accepted His hand many times in love. But when was the last time you pursued Him? He wants to be pursued by you. When is the last time you gave a gift to your Lover? Or sang a song for Him? Or spent time reading His letters to you? Or admired His creation?

These are all things we would do for the person we loved aren't they? We delight in expressing ourselves through song, art, poetry, a simple letter, or by even showing interest in our lover's interests. How much more does God desire that we do these things for Him? He will pursue you regardless of what You may do for Him. That is His nature. But He is waiting for you to make Him smile.

He is waiting for you to pursue Him."

All have to add is, Think about it...