Tuesday, May 6, 2008

God Moments

The other night before our evening church service, I was reading a chapter of Francis Chan's, Crazy Love. In the chapter he spoke about moments when we experience God. One of those moments he describes was when someone looks in the face of their four month old baby napping. Maybe that doesn't mean anything to you but that meant tons to me.

You see, two day before I read that sentence my baby girl turned four months old. Not only that, but I was holding her hours before that evening service as she napped. I remember clearly thanking God for such a beautiful baby. Do you understand why that meant tons to me?

God speaks to us in so many ways. The most prominent is the Bible, His love letter to us. But God also speaks to us through people, books, music, and other forms of literature. At this moment God chose this book at that time. I am thankful for the way God seems to get our attention at moments we least likely think He will do so.

What has God been doing to get your attention lately? Has He used a person, place, or particular book to try to get your attention? If He has, make sure to stop and reflect. Take the moment further and search Scripture to dig deeper into what God is trying to tell you. Or at the very least, think about it...