Monday, May 19, 2008

A Father's Prerogative Revisited

I wrote this post for a teaching team I lead at my church, The Assembly, soon after my baby girl was born. Thought it was worth a revist for this blog. Enjoy...

Surge // An e-Devotional for Teachers & Leaders
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
By David Michael Lermy

A Father’s Prerogative
As of late, I have come to find out I really don’t know as much as I thought or wished I did. On January 2nd at 5:40pm I realized my life would never be the same. The first time I heard my baby girl cry something inside of me resolved to never let that happen again. But why? Isn’t crying natural? Isn’t pain a part of life?

My first reaction was to do all in my power to comfort her…to help her through her pain. That was when I realized I had no clue about God’s true fatherhood until that moment.

As I went to comfort her as the nurses cleaned her up, one of the nurses looked at me and said, “No it’s okay. We want to hear her cry. It’s a good thing. It helps us know how her lungs have developed and it will make her lungs stronger as she is breathing our air for the first time.”

So there I stood with full desire to comfort and protect. To alleviate pain and provide love that only a Father could give. But in that moment it wasn’t the time. In that moment, she needed to cry out. She needed to exercise her lungs. In essence, it was for her own good and well being.

Since that day, there have been times when I have wanted to comfort her when she cries and I have. On occasion we don’t always rush to her side so that she slowly learns to do some self soothing. But again, this is for her good and well being.

says, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

God is a good God. When we experience pain and discomfort…when we cry out to Him and it feels like he doesn’t answer right away, or even the way we wish He would answer…He is answering. All that we deal with God knows about. God is not surprised when things happen to us…for our benefit or for our growth, even in discomfort.

Many times pains and hurts are for our growth. (Not always but sometimes). God is allowing a time where He can step back and allow us to self sooth, to learn to lean on the strength He has placed inside each of His children. To allow the power of the Holy Spirit to raise the level of resolve each of us are divinely endowed with as Pentecostals. I know this more than ever now as I am learning to be a good father.

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is not to do anything, and that is precisely what God may do to help you grow…to become stronger…to dive deeper…to become a great person! Even when He is not working He is working. Now that is something you will ponder for the rest of the week….

For Reflection
1. When was the last time you went through a rough time? What was it like spiritually?
2. How was it between you and God? Did you seek after growth and understanding or simple relief from the situation?
3. What do you think God might have been teaching you though the situation?
4. What Scriptures did you cling to during that time? How did God’s Word become alive for you in that time?
5. How can you take what was learned to help other in your family, work space, college campus, or maybe your church?

As least think about it...


Anonymous said...

That's good. Never thought about it like that before...
