Thursday, April 3, 2008

Perceptions, Part 2 got away from me. I only have about 3o minutes to write this post before the clock strikes midnight. Anyway, I just came from a college/twentysomethings style church service. The talk was on SIN and how it can "FLiP!" your life out of control. It was amazing watching God take what was once broken and making it whole again.

You see distorted perception is the way most people live their lives. The idea can relate to juggling balls. First, I form one habit or destructive life behavior. Not so bad. This is easy to handle. No one has to know. Then I develop another one...because they usually come in pairs and packs. Then another. And another. Most people can barely juggle three balls...but four, five, six...things get out of control. That's when it all comes crashing down on us.

We see it everyday in the life of pop culture icons. Brittney Spears. Paris Hilton. Tim Allen. And the list could go on and on. In rehab one day and out the next only to be back the next week. But why? Sin, destructve lifestyle behaviors, spin our lives out of control.

So what do we do when it comes crashing down. We either wear a mask and fool those around us, or we turn to someone for help. Who will you turn to when you need healing for your broken heart? Who will you call on when you need to be freed from an addictive habit? Who can come and fix you broken life?

If you ask me, I will tell you Jesus Christ! His whole purpose in life was to come and fix the broken, feed the hungry, cloth the naked, give sight to the blind, heal the sick, and declare that there is a God in heaven who desires to be celebrated by those He has created. (When you see someone who is a Christian that isn't living out these same purposes and principles, gently remind them of the example we are called to follow.)

My challenge: Don't hide behind a false perception. Don't live a lie so other will think you have it all together. If perception is as real as truth to people in our current culture, make sure the perception they have of you IS the truth. Be free from the mask you wear and be who you are...who God has called and purposed you to be. Think about it...